Preliminary Current Catalog of Solar Flare Events with X-ray Classes M1 – X>17.5 XXV Cycle of Solar Activity (I.2020 – VI.2030)
V. N. Ishkov1,2
1 Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, the Ionosphere, and Radiowave Propagation, Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN), Troitsk, Moscow oblast, Russia
2 World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (GC RAS), Moscow, Russia
The Catalog of solar flare events of the current 25th solar activity cycle reduces into one system a specification of all massif of flare events with X-ray class the equal or exceeding M1 (10-5 W∙m-2). The catalog includes all solar flare events of middle and large X-ray classes (М1 – Х17.5), their main characteristics, their manifestations in the entire range of electromagnetic waves, in the radiation of solar energetic particles (E>10 MeV), and in the observed dynamic phenomena. The catalog will be constantly updated with flare events, and is open until the end of the current solar cycle.
The data are stored in the World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Moscow ( The data are freely accessible.
Database creation date: October 2022; Publication date: November 2022
Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GC RAS), Moscow, Russia.
Institution: World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Geophysical Center RAS, Moscow, Russia, Molodezhnaya St. 3, 119296, Moscow, Tel.: +7 495 930-05-46, Fax: +7 495 930-05-06, (
Publisher: Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GC RAS), Moscow, Russia (
Data format: PDF
Citation: Ishkov, V. (2022), Preliminary Current Catalog of Solar Flare Events with X-ray Classes M1 – X>17.5 XXV Cycle of Solar Activity (I.2020 – I.2030). ESDB repository, GC RAS, Moscow,
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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