New indicators responsible for heat transfer from the Atlantic to the Arctic
S. M. Gordeeva1,2,3, T. V. Belonenko1
1Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg 199034, Russia;
2Russian State Hydrometeorological University, 79, Voronezhskaya ul., St. Petersburg 192007, Russia;
3Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 36, Nahimovskiy pr., Moscow 117997, Russia;
There are three new climatological indices: NAT, NAHT1, and NAHT2 which characterize heat transfer from the Atlantic to the Arctic. They are strongly correlated with the AMOC (Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation). The NAT index is responsible for the transport of Atlantic waters to the Arctic. Two identical indices NAHT1 and NAHT2 are responsible for the corresponding heat transfer by these waters.
AMOC is the main engine of the global redistribution of heat and one of the main factors determining the warming in the Arctic. That is why AMOC in the North Atlantic is often called "The key of the Atlantic gateway to the Arctic". In particular, AMOC makes a significant contribution (25%) to the maintenance of a temperate climate in North-Western Europe.
The most informative parameters influencing the warming of the Arctic are the water temperature and the corresponding heat fluxes transferred to the Arctic from the North Atlantic.
The NAT, NAHT1, and NAHT2 indices are based on water temperature anomalies using GREP (Global Reanalysis Ensemble Product) data available at the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service ( The initial processing of the GREP data included calculations of the average climatic annual cycle at each cell of the grid averaged over the period 1993–2019 and anomalies of water temperature (AT) relative to the values of the annual course. AT at the horizon of 457 m was used to calculate the Principal Components (PC) on a 1°×1° grid for the period from 1993 to 2019 within the boundaries of the region: 50°–80°N, 50°W–20°E [Gordeeva et al., 2022].
Based on the spatial distribution of PC1, the NAT index is built using the AT on the horizon 457 m in the coordinates 59°–61°N, 28°–30°W. The NAT index is responsible for the transport of Atlantic waters to the Arctic. Based on the spatial distribution PC2, NAHT1 and NAHT2 are built using the AT on the horizon 457 m in two areas: 68°–69°N, 1°–2°E for NAHT1, and 56°–57°N, 30°–31°W for NAHT2. Two identical indices NAHT1 and NAHT2 characterize the corresponding heat transfer of Atlantic waters to the Arctic.
Database creation date: 2022; Publication date: 2022
Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg 199034, Russia.
Saint Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg 199034, Russia.
Publisher: Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GC RAS), Moscow, Russia (
Data format: XLSX (PC1 – column B; PC2 – column C; NAT – column D; NAHT1 – column E; NAHT2 – column F).
Citation: Gordeeva, S. M. and T. V. Belonenko. (2022), New indicators responsible for heat transfer from the Atlantic to the Arctic. ESDB repository, GCRAS, Moscow,
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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