Magnetic storms catalog for monitoring data of space radio sources fluxes at RT URAN-4 in the zone of the Odessa magnetic anomaly (1987–1994 and 2000–2009)

Sobitnyak L. I., Ryabov M. I., Orlyuk M. I., Pilipenko A. A., Romenets A. O., Sumaruk Yu. P.

Institute of Geophysics by S.I. Subbotin name NAS Ukraine


On the base of data of magnetic observatory "Odessa" the catalog the magnetic storms is made. This issue of the catalog for 1987–1995 and 2000–2009 years include: date and time of the beginning and end of a storm, the storm duration, amplitude on three elements of a magnetic field are specified: H, Z, D, the characteristic of magnetic storms.

The data are stored in the World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Moscow ( The data are freely accessible.

Dataset creation date:  2021; Publication date:  2021 

Publisher: Geophysical Center RAS, Moscow, Russia (

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Citation: Sobitnyak L. I., Ryabov M. I., Orlyuk M. I., Pilipenko A. A., Romenets A. O., Sumaruk Yu. P. (2021) Magnetic storms catalog for monitoring data of space radio sources fluxes at RT URAN-4 in the zone of the Odessa magnetic anomaly (1987–1994 and 2000–2009). ESDB repository, GC RAS, Moscow, 

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