Mineral tracers of the alongshore sediment transport in the South-Eastern Baltic Sea (Data supplement)

A. Krek1, M. Ulyanova1,2

1Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, Moscow, Russia
2Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia

Data file presents information on the variation of the mineralogical composition of the coastal surface (0-5 cm) sediments and grain size data from the South-Eastern Baltic Sea (Russian Exclusive economic zone). Bottom sediments (66 samples) from the underwater coastal slope were sampled of by the Van Veen grab on transverse profiles at depths of 5, 10 and 15 m, as well as from the swash zone. Sampling was done in the same hydrometeorological situations (long-term domination of anticyclonal conditions with moderate winds of eastern rhumb) for the western and northern coasts on September 27, 2017 and October 01, 2017, respectively. This let to avoid imposing a mutually directed influence on the distribution of sediments of significant coastal hydrodynamic processes. Samples 37005 and 37007 were taken in October, 24, 2017 (eastern rhumb breeze) at depth of 13 and 17 m, respectively, during 37th cruise of r/v Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov (Krek et al., 2019). Mineralogical composition was defined in bulk samples, as well as in heavy and light subfractions. The special attention was paid to glauconite content as it may be used as a mineral tracer of the alongshore sediment transport. The grain size, morphological and mineralogical analysis of the bottom sediments were done by Krek and Ulyanova, in the article published in Russian Journal of Earth Sciences (see doi:https://doi.org/10.2205/2020ES000714).

Supplementary data published here in three tables were used in mentioned morphological and mineralogical analysis.

Table 1. Description of samples. [PDF] [XML]

Table 2. Results of the grain size analysis and sediment type. [PDF] [XML]

Table 3. Mineral composition of the sediments. [PDF] [XML]

Corresponding author: Marina Ulyanova, ()

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2205/RJES-data-714

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