Seismic Activity and Syzygies Data
Mikhail Kovalyov
Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
There must be hundreds of papers dedicated to the studies of the relationship between the lunar phases and seismic activity on Earth; half of them claim to prove that lunar phases affect seismic activity on Earth, while the other half disprove the same. It is shown by M. Kovalyov [2019; Crossref] that the lunar phases indeed affect seismic activity on Earth, the correlation between them is especially easily seen in magnitude ≥ 8.2 earthquakes and VEI ≥ 5 volcanic eruption. The nature of the correlation depends on the correlation season.
To draw and support his conclusions, the author prepared ten tables published now in Earth Sciences Data Base. These data are titled as below:
- Magnitude ≥ 8.2 earthquakes versus syzygies in 1938–2017 Table 1 [PDF] [PNG]
- Magnitude ≥ 8.2 earthquakes versus syzygies in 1900–1933 Table 2 [PDF] [PNG]
- A representative set of M ≥ 8.2 earthquakes in 1550–1899 versus syzygies Table 3 [PDF] [PNG]
- Magnitude ≥ 8.2 earthquakes versus syzygies in 1550–1833 Table 4 [PDF] [PNG]
- The strongest earthquakes of the full lunar cycle in 2009/7/21–2018/8/10 and their correlation with Full Moon-closest perigees Table 5 [PDF] [PNG]
- M ≥ 6.6 earthquakes in Africa in 1900–2016 versus syzygies Table 6 [PDF] [PNG]
- M ≥ 7.4 earthquakes below 400 km in 1900–2017 versus syzygies Table 7 [PDF] [PNG]
- VEI ≥ 5 volcanic eruptions in 1600–2017 with the month known versus syzygies Table 8 [PDF] [PNG]
- VEI ≥ 6 volcanic eruptions in 1600–2017 Table 9 [PDF] [PNG]
- Antipodal seismic activity for M ≥ 8.6 earthquakes and VEI=6 volcanic eruptions in 1934–2017 Table 10 [PDF] [PNG]
Database creation date: 2018-12-05; Publication date: 2019-02-01
Contributor: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada;
Institution: University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada;
Publisher: Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GC RAS), Moscow, Russia (
Citation: Kovalyov Mikhail (2019), Seismic Activity and Syzygies Data, Earth Sciences Data Base, GC RAS, Moscow, Russia,
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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