Dataset of quality flag varies from 0 for doubtful to 2 for high quality events
Sh. R. Bogoutdinov1,2, N. V. Yagova2, V. A. Pilipenko1,2, S. M. Agayan1
1Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (GC RAS), Moscow, Russia
2Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPE RAS), Moscow, Russia
The Pc pulsations presented in the table were visually selected from the BSL high-pass filtered (fc=6 mHz) magnetograms for days from 32 to 44 and classified into three classes from doubtful (0) to high quality (2). The detailed analysis of these data is presented by authors in the article "A technique for detection of ULF Pc3 waves and their statistical analysis" published in the Russian Journal of Earth Sciences (
Received 10 December 2018; published 25 December 2018.
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Citation: Bogoutdinov, Sh. R., N. V. Yagova , V. A. Pilipenko, and S. M. Agayan (2018), Dataset of quality flag varies from 0 for doubtful to 2 for high quality events., ESDB repository, GCRAS, Moscow,
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