Magnetic Storms from the Observations in Irkutsk for 1908-1959

The Catalogue of magnetic storms according to the data of the Irkutsk magnetic observatory (Zuy) for 1908-1959.

Mishin V.M., Naidenova N.Ya., Platonov M.L., Shchukina T.B.


The Catalogue of storms has been compiled from the observations of the Irkutsk Observatory (Zuy), one of the world's oldest and continuously operating observatories. The Catalogue contains a description of magnetic storms from the observations for over 46 years: 1908-1918 and 1925-1959.

The Catalogue includes all disturbances lasting about a day for which the amplitude of oscillations for H or D component exceeds 100ᵞ and 18 ', respectively. The value of Rz that as a rule is smaller than RH and RD, was not taken into account.

The Catalogue contains the description of 820 storms with a total duration of 39 060 hours. This is the 10.3% of the total number of hours of observations for the considered period. In Slutsk and Sverdlovsk catalogues this time is 11%, in Tashkent catalogue - 10.3%. The intensity distribution of the storms is presented as the table; for comparison, the same table displays the data of the above-mentioned catalogs.

The data are stored in the World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Moscow ( The data are freely accessible.

Dataset creation date:  1963; Publication date:  2016

Publisher: Geophysical Center RAS, Moscow, Russia (


Citation: Mishin V.M., Naidenova N.Ya., Platonov M.L., Shchukina T.B. Magnetic Storms from the Observations in Irkutsk for 1908-1959. Siberian Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1963. ESDB repository, GC RAS, Moscow,

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