Catalogue of Geomagnetic Storm Families for the Period of 1965-1975 and Statistical Regularities of Geomagnetic Activity
Afanasyeva V.I., Bychkova A.K.
The Catalogue of 1179 geomagnetic storm families for 1965-1975 is a continuation of the similar catalog of 1957-1964, published earlier. The first part of this Catalogue (1965-1970) contains information on the magnetic activity of storms and weak perturbations with indicating the time of their beginnings and ends and the main day or period of disturbance, and also includes active formations on the Sun, to which each storm family is attributed. The second part of the Catalogue (1971-1975) is compiled mainly from observations of the Moscow observatory without the use of solar data. It contains the same information on the geomagnetic storm families as the first part. The statistical regularities of magnetic activity were obtained on the basis of the catalogues of storm families. By the delay time of the storms and perturbations concerning the passage of the corresponding active regions through the central meridian of the Sun, the mean propagation velocities in the interplanetary space of the geoactive fluxes of the solar plasma were determined. The relationship between magnetic activity and the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field and the intensity of solar flares is considered.
The data are stored in the World Data Center for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Moscow ( The data are freely accessible.
Dataset creation date: 1977; Publication date: 2015
Publisher: Geophysical Center RAS, Moscow, Russia (
Citation: Afanasyeva V.I., Bychkova A.K. Catalogue of Geomagnetic Storm Families for the Period of 1965-1975 and Statistical Regularities of Geomagnetic Activity. Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, USSR Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 1977. ESDB repository, GC RAS, Moscow,
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