Geomagnetic data recorded at Geomagnetic Observatory Saint Petersburg (SPG) - Minute Definitive Values (2015)
Definitive data from geomagnetic observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG): minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field (Dataset)
The dataset contains definitive minute data, which are time variations of the full values of geomagnetic field elements X (North), Y (East), Z (Down) and its total intensity F, derived from Saint Petersburg observatory recordings. The data are freely accessible and cover time interval from 1 January to 31 December 2015.
Dataset creation date: 2016; Publication date: 2016
Publisher: Geophysical Center RAS, Moscow, Russia (
Institution: Geomagnetic Observatory Saint Petersburg (SPG), Lebedevka, Vyborg District, Leningrad Region 188836, Russia (
Citation: Soloviev, A., Kopytenko, Yu., Kotikov, A., Kudin, D., Sidorov, R. 2015 definitive data from geomagnetic observatory Saint Petersburg (IAGA code: SPG): minute values of X, Y, Z components and total intensity F of the Earth's magnetic field. ESDB repository. Geophysical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2016.
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
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Tags: SPG
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